He put me on Doxycycline, he says it will help me when it comes time to get my heartworm treatment. My liver enzymes and my protein were high but he says that is a result of the heartworms. He even did a lymes/erlichia test and it was negative. He also did an ultrasound to see if I was going to have babies again, it tickled alot... but good news..no babies. He took a look at my right eye too, it's very cloudy and it bothers me some. He says I have an ulcer there and that there is some corneal damage so he gave me medicine to help the irritation and help me make tears to make it feel better, I can only see a little with my eye but I can sure see enough to know that we have lots of people who love us now. We got to play and snuggle with Brenda and Carolyn. They are so nice, they just keep petting us and talking nice to us...and that Carolyn, what a hoot, she keep kissing all of us, she's a funny one.. Strength weighed in today at 41 pounds, she has probably gained 8-10 pounds since her arrival.

I went next, this is Hope. Doc says my demodex is already started to look a little bit better. He did all that listening and looking and some poking on me too. He was very nice to me and petted me a bunch, I like that in a doctor..... He checked my hiney too and no worms for me either....yeah!!!! I have mites and a yeast infection in my ears but he gave us medicine for that. My lymes/erlichia was negative too and even my heartworm test was negative. They say I am very tiny and underweight. I weighed in today at 28.1 pounds and I have probably gained 8-10 pounds already. I was very quiet. I didn't cry at all. They put this thing called a leash on me today, I'm not sure about that crazy thing...they say all the dogs are wearing them, but hmmmm.....I don't know yet. I had a really good day though, I got to lounge outside in the sun and snuggle with my brother.

He took a picture with this thing of my leg, it really hurts, I don't even like to put it down, then he showed us all the picture....looked funny to me, but he told Brenda and Carolyn all about it. My leg is broken at the growth plate and the bone is turned, but he says he can fix me right up. He says he's going to put pins in my leg, I don't know if I want pins in my leg, but he is kind and I know he will help me get through it. He says there is only a very slim chance that I will lose my leg, I like that idea. He says I'm not strong enough yet but that He wants us all to come back and visit next Friday, then if I am strong enough he is going to fix my leg for me. I really liked him.
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