December 5, 2007:
Everything is going well
Hi everyone, just wanted to give you all a quick update, this is Strength, I got my first heartworm treatment and it made me feel kinda sick for a couple of days but now I feel great. They brought us a bunch of toys and even some nice new feeders so we can eat as much as we want anytime we want. I feel good, I'm continuing to put on weight and my coat is filling back in. This one real nice lady who sent money to help us is sending us our on special blankies and she is even having custom made coats sent to us.... We've never had coats before. What a wonderful Christmas this will be.

Courage here... I'm doing good. I love to play with our new toys and I love to get into things when Miss Lesley isn't looking...heheheh, that’s fun... I had a spot come up on my back so I went to see Doc, he scraped it and it was just Demodex....and that's okay cause I am getting medicine for that already. I got to go all by myself this time so I was the center of attention...

Hi, it's Hope, I'm doing great too... Miss Lesley keeps me slathered in Udder Balm so it feels nice when she rubs it on me, it makes my skin not hurt anymore. I get to go be weighed next week to see if I have gained more weight. they said I am coming out of my shell, I was the first one to take one of our new chew bones.... I love to see the people now, I even wag my tail. It's really nice here... We get lots of blankies to lay on and for Courage to pull around...he's a stinker....he is always unmaking our beds...

Oh and I wanted to tell everyone that these 3 sweet babies are all paper trained. They do not go potty at all except on their papers in the corner....they are such good babies. Courage will be having his surgery end of next week. The pins and parts are on order and will be here by then. I will get more pics for everyone tomorrow and I will also be putting a list of their angels together. Just first names and city/state if I know it... Just want to show everyone how many wonderful people came forward to help them. It was overwhelming.
Much Love,
Carolyn, Hope, Strength & Courage

Hi everyone, sorry that it has taken me almost a week to update. I have lots of pics for you guys, not much news though. They are all doing well. And Courage leg surgery is scheduled for Thursday. I am leaving out of town tomorrow morning Dec. 12 and won't be back until Dec 19th, my hubby and I are taking a vacation...first one ever...yeah!!! so... not sure if I can get my teenagers to update you guys in between times or not, but don't worry, I will update as soon as I return.

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